Army looks to fuel cells for tanks

WASHINGTON D.C. - The U.S. Army is looking into fuel cell technology to boost electrical power in its M1 Abrams battle tanks, the service said.

In an article on its Web site, the Army said more electrical power on board would allow more computing, battle command technologies, sensors and other equipment.

"Currently it fuel cell technology is only being tested in a lab but it is being designed for the Abrams," said Steven Eick, a chemical engineer at the Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center.

"Our goal is to generate more on board power to help support radios and other equipment."

Eick said Army engineers are also experimenting with fuel cell technology for non-combat vehicles.

The technology would be for an auxiliary power unit that converts JP8 diesel fuel into hydrogen and then generates electricity through a fuel cell.

Eick said use of fuel cells involves a chemical in which electrical current is generated by the breakdown of a hydrogen atom.

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