Leading the way in sustainable energy
OAKVILLE, ONTARIO - When thinking about a utility, no one has ever been excited to see the monthly bill that comes through the mailÂ… but Oakville Hydro is trying to change all that, beginning with its industrial customers. They are working with 360 Energy in order to save their customers money.
Oakville Hydro is sponsoring a one day workshop for their large industrial clients, exposing participants to over 50 world class energy management best practices in order to create an energy plan and how that plan, if implemented correctly, can create energy savings.
“The Sustainable Energy Plan (SEP) workshop is a great place for companies to begin thinking about energy management throughout their organization,” says David Arkell, President for 360 Energy Inc. “It helps organizations prioritize activities, realize where savings opportunities lie and how to go about making changes in order to capitalize on them in a structured, sustainable manner.”
Oakville Hydro, while being one of the first electrical utilities to capitalize on this program in Ontario, is certainly not the only utility to promote the benefits of having a plan in place for energy. BC Hydro has been offering this workshop to many of their customers over the last year, with great success. In fact, Catalyst Paper-Crofton, an SEP participant in BC received the CIPEC Leadership Award from Natural Resources Canada in 2007 for their efforts in developing and executing their energy plan.
Stew Lawson, from Oakville Hydro comments, “We are excited to be able to offer this program to our industrial customers. We continue our focus on conservation to save our customers money on energy and reduce the environmental impact. We know the development and execution of a sustainable energy plan by our customers is a critical step towards meeting those goals and benefiting the community.”
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