ConEdison Solutions offers savings to businesses
CHERRY HILL, NEW JERSEY - As the result of the recent and unprecedented drop in energy prices, ConEdison Solutions — one of America's leading energy services companies — is now offering New Jersey businesses and institutions up to 15 percent savings on their electricity supply bills.
"Especially in today's difficult economy, reducing energy spending makes tremendous financial sense," said Jorge Lopez, President and CEO of ConEdison Solutions. "The decline in market prices has provided us with the opportunity to save businesses money versus their utility supply rate. As a result, businesses can save on energy and lock-in multi-year fixed priced agreements at current prices, which are now significantly lower than just one year ago."
ConEdison Solutions has already saved some of New Jersey's largest energy users millions of dollars since the start of energy choice in August 2003. Now, even small businesses, government facilities and schools have an opportunity to save.
The company offers both fixed-price and variable pricing options. Businesses, institutions, and government facilities can lock-in and fix pricing for up to three years. The variable price option allows customers to track the market and benefit from any future price reductions.
ConEdison Solutions provides competitively priced electricity and energy management solutions across the country. The company also offers environmentally friendly energy solutions for companies and institutions with environmental objectives.
Interested businesses, institutions and government electricity users can learn about securing a lower price for their electricity by calling ConEdison Solutions at 1-800-316-8011 or by requesting a quote through the company's website,
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