CSDA/OSHA Alliance release best practice document

ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA - The Alliance between the Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association (CSDA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has just released its fourth Best Practice entitled Electrical Safety (CSDA-OBP-1004).

"Electrocution is a major focus for OSHA as it is one of the top four leading causes of construction fatalities, and therefore a natural area of focus for our Alliance," said Patrick O'Brien, CSDA Executive Director.

Electricity is widely recognized as a potential workplace hazard, exposing employees to electric shock, burns, fires and explosions. Working on or around electrical conductors and equipment can be particularly dangerous, because electrical energy often cannot be sensed until contact is made. The Electrical Safety Best Practice includes guidelines and preventive maintenance tips that should be applied to every workday. By following the advice given in this document, contractors can greatly reduce the chances of exposure to electrical hazards.

CSDA and OSHA have worked together on safety and health issues for the concrete sawing and drilling industry in an effort to educate contractors, prevent on-the-job accidents and injuries and provide vital materials to advance a safe work environment for sawing and drilling professionals. The Alliance has also released Best Practice documents on the subjects of Highway Work Zone Safety, Reducing Silica Exposure and Defensive Driving. Each of these previously released Best Practices are also available in Spanish.

Representatives from OSHA were at February's World of Concrete to present during the seminar program. OSHA's Fran Dougherty presented on OSHA Fall Protection Standards while Danezza Quintero presented on the Most Frequent Safety Citations for Concrete Contractors. These speakers also staffed the CSDA booth during World of Concrete trade show to answer questions attendees had related to the health and safety of workers, especially those employed in the sawing and drilling industry.

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