Mike Deering to join LIPA

NEW YORK - The Long Island Power Authority named Mike Deering vice president of environmental affairs, a new position.

Deering, currently vice president of government affairs at the Long Island Association, a business advocacy group, previously served as energy and environmental commissioner for Suffolk County. While at Suffolk, Deering worked alongside Kevin Law, the former deputy county executive who recently took over as chief executive and president of LIPA. LIPA and LIA officials weren't available to comment on the appointment.

Deering comes to LIPA with a long environmental record at a time when the authority said it plans to give greater emphasis to renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation programs, and as it considers new proposals to overhaul antiquated power plants. LIPA is also examining new wind-energy proposals after scrapping a project off-shore near Jones Beach because of cost issues.

Deering was among those responsible for pushing government to set aside large tracts of land in the Pine Barrens region, and he is known in environmental circles as a well-organized professional. Environmentalists said if true, the appointment boded well for their causes.

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