First shipment of Hurricane Ike wood goes to Twin Oaks plant

WACO, TEXAS - Green Energy Resources Inc. commenced shipping 20,000 tons of Hurricane Ike wood to Sempra Energy's Twin Oaks power plant located near Waco, Texas.

The 170 megawatt power plant is temporarily switching from coal to wood biomass to be ''greener''. Green Energy Resources is the subcontracted supplier.

The company is collaborating on multiple projects nationwide with several strategic partners seeking to gain a major U.S. market share for wood biomass. Green Energy Resources is in the process of procuring upwards of a million or more tons of wood generated throughout the region by Hurricane Ike last September. The Texas market in particular is rapidly growing and expects to add over 250 megawatts of wood powered plants over the next three years.

In another major development, the election of Barack Obama has signaled a major shift in the U.S. policy towards renewable and alternative energies. It is anticipated over the next ten years the market will increase 10 to 20 times over current capacity. The new administration has promised real commitment, including a cap and trade market for greenhouse gases

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BERLIN - Near the French village of Fessenheim, facing Germany across the Rhine, a nuclear power station stands dormant. The German protesters that once demanded the site’s closure have decamped, and the last watts were produced three years ago. 

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