Roger Alexander appointed VP of AREVA Canada
PICKERING, ONTARIO - Pickering, Ontario native Roger Alexander has been named the Vice President of AREVA NP Canada Ltd, (an AREVA and Siemens Company).
In this role Roger will lead AREVAÂ’s growing Canadian nuclear business.
RogerÂ’s prior experience was Senior Vice President responsible for the Industrial Services and Solutions Business Unit, located in Burlington, Ontario. In addition Mr. Alexander was responsible for manufacturing and engineering related matters for all Siemens in Canada companies.
Mr. Alexander also had responsibility for Environmental, Health and Safety and Corporate Quality. Prior to joining Siemens Canada Ltd., Mr. Alexander was President of Siemens ElectroCom Sorting Systems Inc.
Mr. Alexander is a graduate of Ryerson Polytechnic University with a diploma in Electrical Technology and is a Certified Engineering Technologist (Industrial Control). He also holds an MBA from the University of Western OntarioÂ’s Richard Ivey School of Business.
AREVA employs over 1,000 individuals in Canada to serve the nuclear power industry.
AREVA NP designs and builds commercial nuclear reactors around the world and provides engineering, plant technical services and staffing resources in Canada. AREVA is the only reactor designer currently building a technologically advanced Generation III+ nuclear power plant, the EPR, with two under construction in Europe and two more in China.
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