The Giant awakens to solar power while America
PHOENIX, ARIZONA - While the U.S. is still floundering with ad-hoc investments in clean energy, China has developed a straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to reaching 2GW solar capacity by 2011.
It is gaining strong leadership in the solar industry by investing heavily in manufacturing and incentivizing installation. Chinese companies like, Suntech Power Holdings, have succeeded in driving solar panel price reductions over the last six months by selling panels on the U.S. market below the marginal cost. Furthermore, China is circumventing protectionist legislation by constructing assembly plants in the U.S.
Evolution Solar is setting down roots in China to take advantage of this shift in the center of gravity for the solar industry. In the last century, the United States was the home of most television manufacturers. By the end of the century there were none left in America. They were all in Asia. The same is happening with solar energy and EVSO has positioned itself to be a resource to the green energy revolution from its new base in China.
“China has made a commitment to solar and placed substantial funds behind that commitment,” stated Robert Kaapke, CEO of Evolution Solar Corp. “Talking about change is very different form actually changing; we want to be part of real change and that is why we are setting down our roots where real change is taking place.”
Nearly all solar providers in America will source parts and components from China in the years ahead. EVSO expects to position itself to compete with producers, such as SunTech and Energy Conversion Devices for a part of this market.
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Big prizes awarded to European electricity prediction specialists
LONDON - Three European prediction specialists have won prizes worth €2 million for developing the most accurate predictions of electricity flow through a grid
The three winners of the Big Data Technologies Horizon Prize received their awards at a ceremony on 12th November in Austria.
The first prize of €1.2 million went to Professor José Vilar from Spain, while Belgians Sofie Verrewaere and Yann-Aël Le Borgne came in joint second place and won €400,000 each.
The challenge was open to individuals groups and organisations from countries taking part in the EU’s research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020.
Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and…