Tessera Solar to build west Texas plant
WEST TEXAS - Tessera Solar, which has its North America headquarters in Houston, plans to build a 27-megawatt solar plant in Presidio, Brewster or Pecos County in west Texas.
CPS Energy, San Antonio's municipally owned electric and natural gas utility, in June signed a 20-year agreement with Tessera to buy power generated from the solar project.
The plant is expected to go under construction next summer, and the first units are expected to go online by the end of next year.
Tessera is negotiating for the specific west Texas site. It will use the SunCatcher power system, made by its sister company, Stirling Energy Systems, of Scottsdale, Ariz. It uses mirrors on parabolic dishes to concentrate the sun's energy on a high-efficiency engine.
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FERC needs to review capacity market performance, GAO recommends
WASHINGTON - Capacity markets may or may not be functioning properly, but FERC can't adequately make that determination, according to the GAO report.
"Available information on the level of resource adequacy ... and related costs in regions with and without capacity markets is not comprehensive or consistent," the report found. "Moreover, consistent data on historical trends in resource adequacy and related costs are not available for regions without capacity markets."
The review concluded that FERC collects some useful information in regions with and without capacity markets, but GAO said it "identified problems with data quality, such as inconsistent data."
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