Integrated Engineering Software
For More Information Contact:
INTEGRATED Engineering Software
220-1821 Wellington Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3T 2G9
AMPERES™ is INTEGRATED’s powerful 3D magnetic field solver offering superior design capabilities in one fully integrated package. AMPERES™ greatly expands design potential and allows you to simulate and optimize electromagnetic components and systems before the manufacturing stage. AMPERES™ provides both Finite Element Method (FEM) and Boundary Element Method (BEM) solvers and includes full parallel processing as well as Application Programming Interface (API) capability. The INTEGRATED API enables the direct control of program functions by utility scripts or macros created in tools such as EXCEL or Visual Studio. Scripting can control the entire process of model creation and testing.
Static, phasor, and transient analysis modes
Force, torque, flux linkage, and inductance calculation
Simulation of lossy magnetic materials
Simulation of non-linear ferromagnetic and permanent magnet materials
Periodic and symmetry features to minimize modeling and solution time
High-quality 3D graphics and text utility for preparation
Direct and easy import of models from CAD partners
Built-in API, Parametric, and/or Scripting capabilities