Sediver USA, Inc.

HVAC toughened glass insulator

For More Information Contact:

Sediver USA, Inc.

One Sediver Way

West Memphis, Arkansas United States 72301

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Sediver insulators: more than a standardized insulator

Sediver insulators are not only designed to comply with the minimum requirements of the applicable standards. They are defined by Sediver internal superior quality requirements for a higher level of performance in service.

Sediver made up a proprietary conception of glass insulators using high strength aluminous cement with a specific hot curing process that confers unique mechanical and residual strength as well as mechanical stability over time.

Main advantages

  • Long term electrical and mechanical reliability: no ageing over time. The life time of Sediver glass insulators exceeds the life time of conductors, hardware and structure
  • Reduced inspection and maintenance costs
  • Ease and reliability of visual inspection, no risk of hidden defects
  • Lowest shattering rate of the industry thanks to the high purity of Sediver glass
  • High residual mechanical strength
  • Safe live-line working