Greens vow to helps schools produce own clean energy
TORONTO, ONTARIO - The Green Party of Ontario says it will offer loans to school boards to help finance the construction of renewable energy projects.
Leader Frank de Jong is calling on all Ontario schools to participate in green energy production.
De Jong says schools that generate their own solar and wind power will benefit environmentally and financially.
He says it also poses a valuable educational opportunity.
De Jong visited a Toronto high school recently that has already started generating its own power using solar panels and wind turbines.
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Worker injured after GE turbine collapse
WASHINGTON - A GE turbine collapsed at a wind farm in north-east Brazil, injuring a worker and sparking a probe into the fifth such incident this year, the manufacturer confirmed.
One of the manufacturer’s GE 2.72-116 turbines collapsed at Omega Energia’s Delta VI project in Maranhão, which was commissioned in 2018.
Three GE employees were on site at the time of the collapse on Tuesday (3 September), the US manufacturer confirmed.
One worker was injured and is currently receiving medical treatment, GE added.
"We are working to determine the root cause of this incident and to provide proper support as needed," it said
The turbine collapse in Brazil is…