DOE to Aid Businesses Developing Microturbines

San Bernardino, Calif. -- - Microturbines, a boon to energy-strapped businesses, will get a boost from the U.S. Department of Energy.

The Energy Department will provide $30 million to companies developing microturbines, said Steve Waslo, Department of Energy Advanced Microturbine Program senior project manager.

California Energy Commission and the Electric Power Research Institute will kick in another $30 million.

The Energy Department wants to increase the efficiency of microturbines because they "fit a segment" of the industrial and public works market that needs reliable power, Waslo said.

The six-year development effort, which began in 2000, was designed to promote development of an efficient and low-emission power generator, officials said.

Among the beneficiaries of the federal dollars was Capstone Turbine Corp. in Los Angeles, which built the two microturbine generators given to the Palm Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant by the Southern California Air Quality Management District.

Other recipients included General Electric, Ingersoll-Rand, Solar Turbines and Untied Technologies Corp.

Microturbines are stationary electricity generators that burn natural gas and reduce pollution.

A microturbine can produce up to 500 kilowatts and achieve energy efficiency levels of more than 80 percent, Department of Energy officials said.

The two microturbines at the Palm Spring Waste Water Treatment Plant produce 115 kilowatts an hour.

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