TransAltaÂ’s Kent Hills wind farm now operating
CALGARY, ALBERTA - TransAlta Corp TA.TO said its $170 million (US$143 million) Kent Hills wind farm in New Brunswick has begun operating, producing up to 96 megawatts of power for Canada's biggest investor-owned power company.
TransAlta said the facility uses 32 3-megawatt wind generators to produce electricity at the Kent Hills site, 30 kilometers (19 miles) southwest of Moncton, New Brunswick, and will produce enough power for 17,300 homes.
The Calgary-based company has said the Kent Hills wind farm can be further expanded to add an additional 54 megawatts of power.
TransAlta now has 248 megawatts of wind-powered generation and a total generating capacity of 8,788 megawatts from 50 facilities in North America and Australia.
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