TransAltaÂ’s Kent Hills wind farm now operating

CALGARY, ALBERTA - TransAlta Corp TA.TO said its $170 million (US$143 million) Kent Hills wind farm in New Brunswick has begun operating, producing up to 96 megawatts of power for Canada's biggest investor-owned power company.

TransAlta said the facility uses 32 3-megawatt wind generators to produce electricity at the Kent Hills site, 30 kilometers (19 miles) southwest of Moncton, New Brunswick, and will produce enough power for 17,300 homes.

The Calgary-based company has said the Kent Hills wind farm can be further expanded to add an additional 54 megawatts of power.

TransAlta now has 248 megawatts of wind-powered generation and a total generating capacity of 8,788 megawatts from 50 facilities in North America and Australia.

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VANCOUVER - TransLink's first battery-electric buses are taking to the roads in Metro Vancouver as part of a pilot project to reduce emissions.

The first four zero-emission buses picked up commuters in Vancouver, Burnaby and  New Westminster on Wednesday. Six more are expected to be brought in.

"With so many people taking transit in Vancouver today, electric buses will make a real difference," said Merran Smith, executive director of Clean Energy Canada, a think tank at Simon Fraser University, in a release.

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