Quality Wind Project application accepted for assessment review

RICHMOND, BRITISH COLUMBIA - EPCOR Utilities Inc., through its indirect wholly owned subsidiary EPCOR Power Development (British Columbia) Limited Partnership, announced that the application for an environmental assessment certificate for the Quality Wind Project (QWP) has been accepted for review by the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office (EAO).

The 142.2 megawatt wind project is proposed for an area approximately 10 kilometres northeast of Tumbler Ridge in northeastern B.C. A formal 180 day review process has commenced to examine the project's potential impacts, including biophysical, social, economic, heritage and health components. The opportunity for public input will commence on June 17 with the start of a 30-day public comment period. Open houses will be held in Tumbler Ridge (June 24) and Dawson Creek (June 25).

The QWP has been submitted to BC Hydro's Clean Call for Power. The proposed project site is located entirely on uninhabited Crown land that has been previously impacted by oil and gas activities, logging and a major forest fire in 2006.

On May 8, EPCOR announced its plans to spinoff its power generation assets to form Capital Power Corporation (Capital Power), an independent power company that is undertaking an initial public offering of its shares. It is anticipated that EPCOR Power Development (British Columbia) Limited Partnership will be sold to Capital Power as part of that transaction.

Construction of the QWP will be subject to conditions such as regulatory approvals, economic and engineering assessments, and successful negotiation of a power purchase agreement with BC Hydro.

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