LUCELEC first Caribbean utility to deploy full-scale AMI

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA - Elster, a leader in smart metering and smart grid systems and solutions, today announced that St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC) will deploy the first full-scale EnergyAxis smart metering system in the Caribbean.

LUCELEC selected ElsterÂ’s EnergyAxis System based on its excellent wireless and networking mesh communications and its ability to increase operational efficiencies, augment conservation initiatives and improve outage response times through enhanced monitoring capabilities. LUCELEC will also enhance customer service capability and operational efficiencies through EnergyAxis remote disconnect and reconnect functionality.

St. Lucia has one power generation station and seven substations that service the entire island and 56,000 customers. The island, 238 square miles (616 sq. km) includes a mix of terrain, including high mountains, dense forests, low-lying lands, and beaches, creating a challenging environment for wireless technology. To ensure the EnergyAxis system would provide robust connectivity in all areas of its service territory, LUCELEC deployed a 200 meter pilot. The pilot proved a success with all meters communicating reliably on a regular basis to LUCELEC operations.

"LUCELECÂ’s objectives with the AMI deployment are to reduce meter reading costs and increase operational efficiency. This includes reducing system losses and improving our customer service," said Gilroy Pultie, LUCELECÂ’s manager of transmission and distribution.

"ElsterÂ’s proven technologies and impressive track record will be extremely beneficial as we pursue our goal to enhance operational efficiency and customer service by being more responsive and making more information available to our customers to help them conserve electricity. The EnergyAxis System is flexible and has proven to be reliable and easy to expand in our islandÂ’s difficult terrain and it supports our modernization objectives and focus on the future."

"Utilities around the world continue to discover the value that the EnergyAxis System delivers,” said Fabio Dominguez, Elster’s vice president of Latin America and the Caribbean markets. "Elster is delighted that LUCELEC has selected its proven smart metering technology and is pleased to be a part of LUCELEC’s goal to be a world-class energy utility and a catalyst and leader for social and economic development in St. Lucia."

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