New Romanian nuclear plant wonÂ’t be a CANDU
BUCHAREST, ROMANIA - Romania will be looking for foreign partners to help develop a new nuclear reactor – but they won’t be looking Canada’s way.
Secretary at the Economy Ministry Tudor Serban told a press conference that the new nuclear plant would be located in central Romania.
“We have received applications from some of the most important power and gas companies, such as GDF, companies from South Korea, E.ON, Enel, CEZ, Iberdrola, RWE”, he added.
Serban announced the new nuclear power plant will not use CANDU technology, as the Cernavoda-based plant does.
There were investors who had asked for 35 percent shareholding in the new plant, he added.
“There were some investors who asked for 35 percent of the new nuclear power plant. They made their participation conditional on such a percentage. We said yes,” Serban stressed, adding a consultant for the project is to be selected.
The Nuclear Agency announced last year that funds worth 250,000 lei were assigned to the studies on the location of a new nuclear power plant in Romania.
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