Tree Canada, BCTC battle Pine Beetle epidemic

FORT ST. JOHN, BRITISH COLUMBIA - Tree Canada, the country's leading tree planting organization, launched its new Mountain Pine Beetle ReLeaf program, announced Michael Rosen, President of Tree Canada.

"This program will help residents across BC replace trees damaged by the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic," said Rosen. "Our goal is to help protect and revitalize the natural areas we all care about so much."

BC Transmission Corporation is again providing financial support for this project, building on the successful partnership with Tree Canada for the Coastal ReLeaf and Community Greening programs in 2007.

"With people and projects located in all regions of this province, we've seen first-hand the damage caused by this epidemic. We are proud to support local efforts to combat the beetle's impact," said Jane Peverett, CEO of BC Transmission Corporation. "By working together today, we can help ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy BC's natural beauty."

Millions of trees across BC have been lost to the destructive and fast-moving Mountain Pine Beetle. This new program provides coupons to BC residents who have lost pine trees to the Pine Beetle epidemic. Coupons worth $80 off a tree priced at $150 or more are available to applicants who apply and can demonstrate proof of a lost tree in their yard. Individuals may apply for a coupon Tree Canada's website at: Coupons are redeemable at any BC Landscape & Nursery Association member nursery.

In addition to the rebate coupons, funding for a community replanting project was announced this morning in Fort St. John. Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources and Mayor Jim Eglinski were present at the announcement.

"BCTC and Tree Canada are to be commended for supporting this made-in-B.C. solution to help with the pine beetle epidemic," said Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld. "Every community project, every tree planted in the backyards of individual homeowners, contribute to the beauty and value of our province."

Other Canadians interested in supporting Tree Canada's efforts to combat the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic can donate and learn more at or by calling 1-877-866-1444.

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