Indiana Michigan to monitor power usage
SOUTH BEND, INDIANA - A northern Indiana utility will test a new system measuring electricity usage in about 10,000 homes and businesses in South Bend.
The monitoring by Indiana Michigan Power will be the first using a "smart grid" technology that could eventually save customers money, utility spokesman David Mayne said.
The one-year test involves a display unit that shows how much electricity has been bought and used. The utility can then provide information back to the customer that can be used to modify consumption. Service interruptions also can be detected more quickly.
"There are a lot of utilities that intend to introduce this technology in the years to come," Mayne said.
Indiana Michigan Power will begin the installation in South Bend in October and hopes to complete it by the end of the year. The company also will work with homebuilders to install advanced energy controls in 50 new homes.
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Egypt's renewable energy to reach 6.6 GW by year-end
CAIRO - Egypt is planning to expand into renewable energy projects in a bid to increase its contribution to the energy mix, the country’s minister of electricity and renewable energy Mohamed Shaker said.
Renewable power is expected to add 6.6 gigawatts (GW) by the end of 2020, with plans to reach 8,200 megawatts (MW) after the completion of the renewable energy projects currently under consideration, Shaker added in a statement on Tuesday.
This came during the minister’s video-conference meeting with the British ambassador to Egypt Geoffrey Adams to explore the potential means for cooperation between the two countries in the electricity sector.