AEMC Instruments

AEMC® - Quick Tester Model 8505 - Introduction

The Quick Tester Model 8505 is a hand-held instrument for performing quick, basic integrity tests on all transformers and capacitors used by electrical utilities. The Model 8505 verifies transformer winding continuity without requiring a full transformer ratio test. A single user can check a shipment of incoming transformers. Any units that have a defective coil can be quickly pinpointed and turned around for repair. The instrument provides simple, single-button operation whereby the user only needs to make the proper connections and push a button. Test results are clearly indicated by bright LEDs and (when applicable) a buzzer. The instrument includes captive cables with safety clips, a test probe, built-in fuse protection, and operates on four AA batteries.

For more information contact:

AEMC Instruments


DOVER, New Hampshire United States 03820
