PowerSouth safe construction record lauded

ANDALUSIA, ALABAMA - After more than a year of hard, safe work, construction of PowerSouthÂ’s two new natural gas fired generation units at McIntosh Power Plant is nearing completion.

Thus far during the construction process, which has lasted more than a year, PowerSouth employees and contract workers have logged more than 310,000 man hours without a recordable injury. During peak construction, PowerSouth had 170 contract employees on the construction site. In recognition of the outstanding safety record during the construction project, Jeff Kurtz of Black and Veatch recently presented a plaque to Robert Meyer, PowerSouth Project Manager of Plant Construction.

“Safety is our number-one objective,” said Lee Davis, PowerSouth’s McIntosh Plant Manager. “When we have an increase in workers during times of construction, it is even more important that we are safety-conscious for ourselves and our coworkers.”

PowerSouth values the individual safety of each of its employees and contractors, promoting safety as its premier core value.

“PowerSouth has six core values, and safety is number one,” said Gary Smith, PowerSouth President and CEO. “Without safety for our employees nothing else matters. My goal for every employee is to go home the same way they got to work. Remember safety is number one.”

The new Siemens SCT6-5000F combustion turbine and generators provide an additional 360 megawatts to the McIntosh Plant’s existing 350 megawatt capacity, making the overall capacity of the plant 710 megawatts – enough to power 710,000 homes.

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