ABB tapped for Nebraska smart grid

NEBRASKA - ABB will be supplying over 75 GridShield reclosers for a U.S. Department of Energy Stimulus-funded smart grid project for Cuming and Stanton County Public Power in eastern Nebraska.

These reclosers, automated switches and related apparatus, with RER620 controller capabilities, will be used to perform advanced smart grid applications using wireless communication for the Cuming and Stanton County Public Power Districts. These GridShield reclosers will help reduce outage periods and provide switching sources and sensors for load utilization and line optimization. ABB will also provide engineering, integration and commissioning support.

Cuming and Stanton Counties, providing local utilities for municipalities, rural, industrial, and agricultural usages, have combined to form an alliance known as the Eastern Nebraska Public Power District Consortium. This Consortium, with guidance from Denver-based Boreas Group consultants, was created to deploy Smart Grid systems. The ABB GridShield reclosers and controls will provide automation to all substations and feeders in the ConsortiumÂ’s territory and will be integrated with a SCADA and wireless communications system.

“It’s clear the Eastern Nebraska Consortium has developed one of the most comprehensive, well thought-out roadmaps for implementation of the smart grid with deployment of Distribution Automation DA using wireless communication,” said Doug Voda, vice president, Business Development, ABB. “ABB will play a major role in providing greater efficiency and grid reliability for Cuming and Stanton Counties.”

Cuming County Public Power District, located in West Point, Nebraska, and Stanton County Public Power District, located in Stanton, Nebraska, deliver service to over 6,700 customers through 20 substations, 68 feeders, and 2,200 miles of transmission and distribution lines. Stanton County was also the recipient of a separate stimulus grant to complete the deployment of Automated Metering Infrastructure in their district.

Cuming and Stanton counties contain some of the largest livestock production, butter, and cellulose insulation producing facilities in the U.S. With the severe winters and hot summers, it is essential to maintain delivery of electricity for their customersÂ’ personal, livestock and business needs.

GridShield reclosers utilize the ABB RER620 controller. The RER620 is part of the Relion family of protection and control devices, with advanced smart grid features to deliver full functions from IEC 61850 standard for communication and interoperability between grid devices.

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