Union Distributing unveils largest solar plant

ARIZONA - Union Distributing flipped the switch on what the company calls the largest solar system owned by a petroleum distributor, split between locations in Phoenix and Tucson.

The event at the $1.6 million project officially christened the 150-kilowatt system at the companyÂ’s Phoenix location and the 103-kilowatt system at the Tucson location.

The system is the largest installed by Solar Hawk energy with contractor Wilson Electric and will produce 400,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually and provide up to 90 percent of the power needed to run the facilities.

The distributor was able to pay for the project through tax rebates and the Salt River ProjectÂ’s Earthwise Solar commercial program, which provides rebates for solar systems.

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Ontario energy minister asks for early report exploring a halt to natural gas power generation

TORONTO - Ontario's energy minister says he doesn't think the province needs any more natural gas generation and has asked the electricity system regulator to speed up a report exploring a moratorium.

Todd Smith had previously asked the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to report back by November on the feasibility of a moratorium and a plan to get to zero emissions in the electricity sector.

He has asked them today for an interim report by Oct. 7 so he can make a decision on a moratorium before the IESO secures contracts over the long term for new power generation.

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