Substation Automation Training

The Electricity Forum has organized a Substation Automation Training Course - This 12-Hour live online instructor-led course is an introduction to state-of-the-art substation automation technologies and their applications in new and retrofitting substations.
September 16-17 , 2020 - 10:00 am - 4:30 pm ET
In recent years, electric utilities have embraced substation automation as much as any T&D automation technology. A recent research report found that 84 per cent of utilties have active substation automation and integration programs under way. Part of substation automation's popularity undoubtedly has to do with the fact that a number of recent utility projects have shown that substation automation is a technology that can benefit the utility as a whole. Virtually any department that needs information mined at the substation can obtain benefits from a substation automation implementation.
Supervisory control and data acquisition systems -- or SCADA systems -- have been in place at electric utilities for decades. SCADA systems, old and new alike, are receiving more attention in recent times as "cybersecurity" of SCADA systems becomes an issue. The findings of a recent utility industry survey indicate that SCADA cybersecurity is a very real concern, as 20 per cent of utilties believe that their SCADA systems have already been subjected to outside threats. Compounding the problem of shoring up electric utility SCADA systems is the fact that different technologies and techniques may be required depending on whether the utility is working to secure a newly installed SCADA system or a legacy SCADA system.
Our Substation Automation training course will provide attendees a brief history of automation development in substations, the communications profiles and architectures used within and beyond the substations, and the related automation functions and associated FAT/SAT testing and system integration.
The course will be fuelled with practical projects applications internationally to demonstrate how a substation automation system is specified, designed, integrated and tested before substation energization.
Complete course Details Here:
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