OPA chooses Summit Blue Canada for evaluations
TORONTO, ONTARIO - Summit Blue Canada Inc. and its partner, Nexant, have been selected to conduct a process and impact evaluation of the Ontario Power Authority's (OPA) Cross-Cutting Commercial and Institutional Retrofit Program.
This energy efficiency initiative includes the BOMA Toronto Program, City of Toronto Better Buildings Program, and Toronto Hydro's Business Incentive Program, which are all aimed at the Toronto market, and the Electricity Retrofit Incentive Program, which is aimed at the rest of the Ontario market.
"The Summit Blue team is eager to work with the OPA and program implementation managers to assess this important initiative," said Gay Cook, Senior Consultant with Summit Blue Canada and Program Manager for this project. The commercial and institutional segments contribute to a substantial portion of the electricity demand, especially in Toronto, and the evaluation of the program will be aimed to help improve the delivery and increase program impact.
According to Dan Violette, CEO, Summit Blue Canada is "focused on meeting the needs of the Canadian market for the full spectrum of energy efficiency and demand-side issues from planning through evaluation." These include estimation of technical potential, program design and implementation, portfolio and program evaluations, measure and market characterizations, and regulatory support and expert witness services. Summit Blue also offers a similar set of services for renewable energy and energy management projects and programs.
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SAULT STE MARIE - PUC Distribution Inc. in Sault Ste. Marie is receiving $11.8 million from the federal government to invest in infrastructure.
The MP for the riding, Terry Sheehan, made the announcement on Monday.
The money will go to the utilities smart grid project.
"This smart grid project offers a glimpse into our clean energy future and represents a new wave of economic activity for the region," Sheehan said.
"Along with job creation, new industries will be attracted to a modern grid, all while helping the environment."
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