Transformer Technologies Live Online Forum Jun 2025

Transformer Technologies

June 25, 2025

Live online event hosted by The Electricity Forum.

Electricity Today T&D Magazine Live Online Forums deliver live content, networking opportunities and engaging virtual experiences to our community of T&D electrical engineering and maintenance professionals. Power Transformer Technologies is on the mind of those that need to keep them reliable. Our Live Online Forums offer perspective and discussion on Power Transformer Technology trends, practices and innovations. Join us for this free live forum.

45 minutes presentation includes 10 minutes of Q&A.

12:00 am - 12:45 am ET


Proper Bushing Assessment for Power Transformers

Transformer bushings are one of the most critical components of a transformer. Up to 20% of major failures on high-voltage transformers can be related to bushings, with almost half resulting in catastrophic failures, such as explosions, fire, or oil spillage. It is well known in the industry that under normal circumstances, a transformer will outlast the bushings two to three times over, requiring timely bushing replacement. The key to knowing when to replace your bushings depends on the integrity and thoroughness of your routine testing or monitoring process. In this session we will present the latest in industry standards and test recommendations for bushing condition assessments to minimize the possibility of failure.


12:45 am - 13:30 pm ET



13:30 pm - 14:15 pm ET

Dynamic Ratings Inc


Drew Welton

Vice President


Drew Welton (IEEE Senior) is Vice President of Sales for Intellirent, division of Electrorent, providing strategic leadership to the sales team and creating new business development for the industrial testing, power producing industries.

Dr. Fouad Brikci


Zensol Automation, Inc.

Fouad Brikci obtained a Doctorate in Electronics in 1977 and a master's degree in Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation in 1975 both from the University of Bordeaux, France. During his 40 years and more of experience, he was a lecturer at the Ecole Polytechnique in Algiers, Algeria and a researcher at CNRS-LAAS, Toulouse, France. He is currently the President of Zensol Automation, Inc., a company founded in 1990 and located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Zensol is a world leader in the field of acoustic diagnostics for circuit breakers and on-line tap changers (OLTC). Zensol also has extensive expertise in conventional maintenance testing applied to high-voltage circuit breakers.

Brian Sparling, SMIEEE

Principal Engineer

Dynamic Ratings

Brian D. Sparling, a Senior Member of IEEE, is a Senior Technical Advisor with Dynamic Ratings Inc. Brian has over twenty years of experience in the field of power and distribution transformers.

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