Ontario LDC Advocates Kick Off Committee Hearings on New Electricity Act
TORONTO - - The Electricity Distributors Association was pleased to be the first to appear as an expert witness at the Legislative Committee Hearing on Bill 100, Electricity Restructuring Act, 2004.
The EDA delegation addressed the Committee on the impact that proposed legislation will have on Ontario's electricity distributors.
"Overall, Bill 100 is a step forward in the continuing reform of Ontario's electricity system," says EDA Chair Ken Quesnelle. "The province's electricity distributors are encouraged that a number of significant issues are being addressed in the proposed legislation that have long been advocated by the distribution industry and the EDA."
Bill 100 reflects many of the objectives long held by the EDA, including electricity prices that reflect the true cost of power while ensuring stable rates for residential consumers.
"The government has taken the first step in promoting conservation by permitting distributors to become involved in Demand-Side Management (DSM) activities," adds Mr. Quesnelle. "Although Bill 100 does not directly address distributors' role in DSM it does provide a framework for the process."
Ontario's electricity distributors expressed concern however, that a method to address revenue losses and the upfront costs incurred as a result of implementing conservation programs and DSM activities have not been clearly addressed in the proposed legislation.
The EDA has always advocated that by working in partnership with electricity distributors, government and regulators, we can achieve the bestconservation results in the shortest time possible. With this in mind, the EDA will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Energy and OEB to find the right mechanisms for conservation in our communities.
The Electricity Distributors Association (EDA) is the voice of Ontario's local electricity distributors, the publicly and privately owned companies that safely and reliably deliver electricity to Ontario homes, businesses and public institutions. The EDA provides members with advocacy and representation in the legislative and regulatory environment and the electricity market in Ontario. For more information about the EDA, visit our web site at: www.eda-on.ca.
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