ChinaÂ’s power investment almost $107 billion

BEIJING, CHINA - In 2010, China added 12 ultra-supercritical, gigawatt-level units. So far, China's total number of operational gigawatt-level, coal-fired units is 33, according to the Report on Electric Power Operation 2010, which was issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on February 11 of this year.

In 2010, China's total investment in its power industry reached $106.84 billion of which, the investments in power sources and the power grid reached $55.17 billion and $51.67 billion, respectively.

In 2010, China totally added 91.27 gigawatts GW of new power generation units, including 16.61 GW of hydropower units 58.72 GW of thermal power units 1.74 GW of nuclear power units and 13.99 GW of on-grid wind power units.

As of the end of 2010, China's total installed capacity of power plants sized 6 MW or above reached 962.19 GW, an increase of 10.07 from 2009. The installed capacity of thermal power and hydropower reached 706.63 GW and 213.4 GW, respectively, accounting for 73.4 and 22.2 and the installed capacity of nuclear power and on-grid wind power reached 10.82 GW and 31.07 GW, respectively. The proportion of non-fossil energy rose to 26.53 of the total installed capacity.

In 2010, China added 37,140 kilometers and 6,084 kilometers of AC and DC transmission lines of 220 kilovolts kV or more nationwide, and added 258 million kilovolt-amperes of transformation capacity.

The Yunnan-Guangdong and Xiangjiaba-Shanghai 800-kV, ultra-high-voltage DC transmission lines were commissioned in 2010. The world's first gigawatt-level, ultra-supercritical, air-cooling, coal-fired unit was commissioned in Phase II of Lingwu Power Plant. The 102-megawatt MW Shanghai East Sea Bridge Offshore Windfarm was fully commissioned, becoming the largest offshore windfarm in Asia.

Among key construction projects, China Huaneng's 4,200-MW Xiaowan Hydropower Station, China Power Investment's 4,200-MW Xiaowan Hydropower Station, and China Guodian's 3,600-MW Pubugou Hydropower Station were fully commissioned in 2010. The first unit of Ling'ao II and Unit 3 of Qinshan II Nuclear Power Station were commissioned in 2010. Construction on Changjiang, Fangchenggang, Fuqing, and some of the units in Taishan I Nuclear Power Station have kicked off. At the end of 2010, China got 26 nuclear power units with a total installed capacity of 29.14 GW under construction.

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