Retrofitting power plants with solar technology

- The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has a second project geared toward helping power companies retrofit fossil-fueled electric power plants with solar-energy technology. The move would help the firms reducing fuel costs and plant emissions.

EPRI is partnering with the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Assn. Inc., Progress Energy, and Southern Co. on the study, Solar Augmented Steam Cycles for Coal Plants.

Case study analyses will be performed by WorleyParsons Group Inc.

This and the first project (a study launched in October at natural-gas facilities) both involve adding steam generated by a solar thermal field to a conventional fossil fuel-powered steam cycle, in order to offset some of the fuel required to generate electric power. As part of the coal project, case studies will be conducted at Tri-StateÂ’s 245-MW Escalante Generating Station in Prewitt, N.M.; and at Progress EnergyÂ’s 742-MW Mayo Plant in Roxboro, N.C.

The projects will provide a conceptual design study and two detailed case studies. The goal is to analyze design options to retrofit existing plants, and identify options for new plant designs.

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