NEMA publishes Utility Industry End Device Data Tables
ROSSLYN, VIRGINIA - The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published ANSI C12.19-2008 Utility Industry End Device Data Tables, the first revision of the standard since 1997.
The standard presents common structures for encoding data in communication between end devices (meters, home appliances, ANSI C12.22 nodes) and utility enterprise collection and control systems using binary codes and XML content. The tables support gas, water, and electric sensors and related appliances.
“ANSI C12.19 aims to accommodate the concept of an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), using a rich menu of functionally related tables that may be expanded or subset by the users to meet their specific application needs,” said Michael Anderson, a member of the committee that produced the standard. “This forward-looking revision presents the managed framework for the encoding, transmission, and interpretation of metrology and control data in a manner that is conducive to evolving technology and need.”
The material addresses AMI and Smart Grid requirements from the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability of the U.S. Department of Energy, the Smart Metering Initiative of the Ontario Ministry of Energy, and Measurement Canada.
The comprehensive revision includes new tables, XML-based table description language (TDL/EDL), and the documentation of services and behaviors. ANSI C12.19 also features new and updated procedures, controls, and definitions.
The management of the End Device data models and registries is under the supervision of the ANSI/IEEE/MC Object Identifiers (OID) Oversight Committee of the North American End Device Registration Authority. For more information, visit
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