New IEEE standards for power & energy substations coming

PISCATAWAY, NEW JERSEY - IEEE has approved work to begin on a new standard, IEEE P1534, "Recommended Practice for Specifying Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitors." When completed, this standard will provide assistance and guidance to planning, substation, commissioning, and operation engineers in the course of specifying Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) installations.

The new standard will incorporate knowledge gained from new TCSC installations and operation experiences during the past five years.

IEEE has also begun work to revise IEEE P837, "Standard for Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in Substation Grounding." This standard will fill a need for standardization of terminology and test requirements for permanent grounding connections.

The revision will include new EMF test specifications and requirements for above grade (ground grid to structure) connections. The standard will help assure users that connections meeting the requirements of this standard will perform in a satisfactory manner over the lifetime of the installation, provided that the proper connection is selected for the application and that the connection is installed correctly.

IEEE also approved a revision to IEEE C37.2, "Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers, Acronyms and Contact Designations."

Two addition standards were reaffirmed: IEEE C37.123, "IEEE Guide to Specifications for Gas-Insulated, Electric Power Substation Equipment" and IEEE C37.122.1, "IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations."

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