Mohawk Fine Papers Now Largest Purchaser of Windpower in U.S. Paper Industry

COHOES, NEW YORK - Mohawk Fine Papers Inc. announced that it has begun offsetting 100% of the annual electric power consumption across all its operations in New York and Ohio with the purchase of 100 million kWh (kilowatt hours) of renewable energy certificates (RECs).

A member of the EPA Green Power Partnership, Mohawk now joins an exclusive group of organizations like PepsiCo, Whole Foods Market, and the U.S. EPA who have committed to fighting climate change by offsetting 100% of their purchased electricity use with renewable energy sources.

This move follows a May 2007 announcement in which the company began moving toward carbon neutral production by making its premium paper lines, Strathmore Writing, Strathmore Script, Beckett Concept, and Beckett Expression, carbon neutral within its production process.

“We continually seek ways to expand our sustainable practices,” said Tom O’Connor, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mohawk Fine Papers Inc. “We’re acutely aware that, as a paper manufacturer, we are part of an industry that depends heavily on energy, water, and other natural resources in the production of ephemeral, non-durable goods.

“Because of this we continually examine every aspect of our business with the objective of making our environmental footprint as small as possible. Working to reduce our net greenhouse gas emissions is part of our day-to-day business operations and windpower is clean, abundant, and reliable. By investing in wind energy we are aiding the growth of this emission-free energy alternative.”

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