ABAT delivers first lithium EV shipment to ZAP
SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA - Electric transportation pioneer ZAP has taken delivery of larger-format polymer lithium-ion battery-equipped vehicles from Advanced Battery Technologies, Inc. (ABAT). The company also plans to begin integrating other large-format lithium-ion batteries in its popular electric vehicles that are already in production as well as those under development.
ZAP received its first shipment of 100 Zappy3 Li scooters powered by Advanced Battery Technologies' (ABAT) advanced polymer lithium-ion batteries. The Zappy3 Li personal transporter is a similar version of its popular Zappy3 but is lighter due to the compact lithium battery array. The new Zappy3 Li is expected to be available for purchase soon.
"You can jump on a Zappy3 Li with lithium batteries and immediately notice a difference," said ZAP CEO Steve Schneider. "Compared to lead acid batteries, these new batteries make electric vehicles lighter, faster and more responsive. These are some of the first larger-format lithium batteries that are in volume production."
"ZAP has the advantage of producing a wide selection of versatile, affordable electric vehicles that we will use as test beds for new technologies like those available from ABAT," said Schneider. "As automotive-designed, large-format lithium pricing continues to come down, the standardization of this power source will help to propel electric vehicle sales to higher levels."
ZAP will be integrating large-format lithium batteries in its pickups and vans as well as vehicles under development like the Alias roadster.
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US Electricity Market Reforms could save Consumers $7bn
WASHINGTON - Electricity-market reforms to enable more renewables generation and storage in the Midwest, Great Lakes, and Mid-Atlantic could save consumers in the US and Canada more than $6.9 billion a year, according to a new report.
The findings may have major implications for consumer groups, large industrial companies, businesses, and homeowners in those regions, said the Wind-Solar Alliance, (WSA), which commissioned the Customer Focused and Clean report.
The WSA is a non-profit organisation supporting the growth of renewables. American Wind Energy Association CEO Tom Kiernan is listed as WSA secretary.
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