News Archive Article

OEB approves Brampton transmission facilities

TORONTO, ONTARIO - The Ontario Energy Board issued a Decision and Order granting Hydro One Networks Inc. (Hydro One) leave to construct electricity transmission facilities in the City of Brampton.

The project involves the construction of approximately 3 kilometres of 230 Kilovolt (kV) underground transmission circuits located on an existing transmission line right of way between the Jim Yarrow Municipal Transformer Station and the proposed Hurontario Switching Station.

The projected cost of the proposed transmission facilities is estimated at $50.8 million - $42.5 million for the underground transmission circuits and $8.3 million for stations and telecommunication modifications. Hydro One's evidence indicates an average residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month would see a total annual bill increase of approximately 0.05% as a result of the project.

The project is intended to deal with overloading on the supply circuits to the Jim Yarrow Municipal and the Pleasant Transformer Stations and to bring the transmission system in that area to within IESO power delivery guideline limits. The proposed service date for the project is June 2009.

In its decision, the Board noted the transmission reinforcement will improve the voltage performance of the west Brampton power system and generally increase power delivery and system reliability in that area.

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