4,000-MW Zhexi project to begin in 2010

BEIJING, CHINA - China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced at a meeting in mid-August that a feasibility study report has begun for the Zhexi nuclear power project in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province.

During the meeting, a preliminary report for the project was reviewed, and arrangements for the feasibility study were made. Officials of CNNC and Zhejiang's Development and Reform Commission have decided to begin construction on the project by the end of 2010.

The project will be jointly invested by CNNC and Zhejiang Energy Group Company Limited. According to the preliminary report, the project has a planned capacity of four 1,000-megawatt units, two of which will be built in Phase I.

The plant's currently recommended site is in Tuanshi, Longyou County, and its alternative site is in Yangwei, Jiande City. Upon completion, the project will be the third nuclear power station in Zhejiang after Qinshan and Sanmen.

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