NYISO wind forecasts to help green the grid

RENNSELAER, NEW YORK - The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) will incorporate a centralized wind forecasting system to better accommodate wind power in New YorkÂ’s bulk electricity grid.

The wind-forecasting system, planned for implementation this summer, is one of many steps being taken by the NYISO to recognize and incorporate the unique characteristics and variable nature of wind power in dispatching resources to economically serve the StateÂ’s electric load.

The NYISO has contracted with AWS Truewind, of Colonie, N.Y., to implement the wind-forecasting capability. The ability to more accurately forecast wind allows the NYISO to gauge how much wind power is likely to be available throughout a given day, enabling maximum use of “green power” resources while enhancing reliability by anticipating variations in generator output.

“As fuel costs climb and the need for emission-free electricity grows, it is important to realize the full potential of renewable energy resources such as wind. The NYISO is committed to accommodating the market entry of any and all new technologies and renewable resources,” said Karen Antion, the NYISO’s Board Chair and interim CEO.

“As more wind power projects are connected to the grid, they will require enhanced attention. The advance forecasts will allow us to accommodate wind power more accurately and reliably,” said Robert Hiney, a NYISO Board member and interim President.

The variable nature of wind generation poses special challenges to grid operators, such as the NYISO, who must constantly balance the supply of and demand for electricity on the grid because electricity cannot be stored efficiently with current technologies.

To produce the forecasts, wind generators will send meteorological data and the NYISO will send power data to AWS Truewind. The company will provide wind power forecasts to the NYISO, which will use the information to integrate wind power in balancing the supply of electricity with consumer demand.

The NYISO has also proposed wind-related revisions in market rules, which are subject to approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The proposals include:

• Increasing the amount of wind generation eligible for exemption from under-generation penalties and full compensation for over-generation,

• Requiring wind projects to finance the costs of the centralized forecasting service, and

• Establishing penalties for wind generators who continually fail to deliver meteorological data to the NYISO forecaster.

Currently, there are nearly 500 megawatts of wind generating capacity in commercial operation in New York State. Almost 7,000 megawatts of proposed wind generation projects are proceeding through the grid interconnection process administered by the NYISO.

According to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), independently operated wholesale electricity markets, such as those administered by the NYISO, are enabling greater amounts of wind power to be integrated into the nationÂ’s electric grid. In 2007, AWEA reported that regions served by independently operated wholesale electricity markets had approximately 73 percent of installed wind capacity, despite having only 44 percent of nationÂ’s wind power potential.

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