Last county affected by snowstorms reconnects to grid

BEIJING, CHINA - After being offline for 21 days, the 110-kilovolt (kV) Jianyi transmission line in the Fuzhou grid was resumed on February 19.

On February 6, 88 counties across China were affected by a major snowstorm.

Only Pingtang County in Guangzhou and Ziyuan County in Guangxi were supplied by diesel generators and small hydropower plants.

On February 20, the 110 kV Dutang transmission line was resumed, making Pingtang County the last county to regain access to power from the main grid after the snowstorms. All 635 counties were affected, including 545 within the supply scope of the State Grid of China and 90 under the southern power grid.

The power loads of disaster areas are gradually approaching normal levels. On February 19, the maximum load in Hunan grid reached 79.3% of the normal level; the maximum load in the Jiangxi grid reached about 81.2% of the normal level; and the maximum load in Zhejiang, Guizhou and Guangxi reached about 87%, 83% and 89% of the normal level, respectively, according to a report by the Emergency Command Center of the State Council.

As of February 20, the State Grid Corporation (Beijing) has resumed the power supply for 26.14 million users, accounting for 96.6% of the total users. China Southern Power Grid Corporation (Guangzhou) has resumed the power supply for 6.15 million residential users, accounting for 95.8% of the total, and 51,868 industrial users.

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