Chevron plans solar panel installation
BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA - U.S. energy giant Chevron Corp announced the installation of 7,700 solar power panels near Bakersfield in California, which is expected to produce 740 kilowatts of electricity, the Los Angeles Times said.
The sloping panels will be used to power the pumps and the pipelines operated at Chevron's Kern River oil field facility.
The panels represent latest photovoltaic technologies from seven companies that Chevron is looking at as possible candidates to power its operations worldwide.
Photovoltaic technology involves converting sunlight into electricity.
Excess power will be re-routed to the local Pacific Gas & Electric Co utility grid under a metering system that gives Chevron credit for the excess energy.
Chevron could not be immediately reached for comment by Reuters outside of regular U.S. business hours.
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