News Archive Article

BCTC invests $5.3 billion to power the province

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - BC Transmission Corporation (BCTC) has filed its Ten Year Capital Plan with the BC Utilities Commission, outlining $5.3 billion in expenditures to ensure British Columbians continue to benefit from reliable, clean and efficient electricity.

"The transmission system is B.C.'s electricity highway, and powers virtually every home and business in the province. BCTC continues to invest in improvements to the transmission system to ensure electricity is delivered across the province, when and where it is needed," said Jane Peverett, BCTC President and CEO. "Significant investment is required to maintain and expand the province's transmission system to secure our long-term electricity needs and to retain the ongoing competitive advantage these assets provide to British Columbians."

The new Capital Plan describes measures that BCTC will take to enhance the transmission system's overall performance. These measures include replacing aging electrical equipment to ensure the safety and reliability of the system and building efficient new infrastructure to supply the needs of communities.

"BCTC is also investing in new digital technologies to extend the life and enhance the capacity of B.C.'s transmission network," said Peverett. "Our focus on innovative technologies will ensure B.C. communities continue to benefit from one of the most advanced energy networks in the world."

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