CHA celebrates 10th anniversary

OTTAWA, ONTARIO - More than 100 industry leaders and experts gathered in Ottawa to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Canadian Hydropower Association (CHA) at a reception in the Fairmont Chateau Laurier in Ottawa.

To mark the event, the association launched a booklet highlighting hydropower's social, economic and environmental contribution to Canada over the course of 127 years. Dignitaries present to support the booklet launch included Pierre Fortin, CHA President, and Colin Clark, CHA Board Chair and Executive Vice-President at Brookfield Renewable Power.

"We are very pleased to be celebrating ten years and proud to play a role in the development of an energy source that has so extensively contributed to building our country," commented Pierre Fortin. "Since the 19th century, hydropower has met the energy needs of Canadians, while creating jobs, and powering industries and business - without adding to air pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. 127 years after the first hydropower generator was built, we can still say hydropower is the most efficient, reliable and clean energy source available."

Hydropower is the leading source of electricity in Canada, with an installed capacity of over 70,000 MW. Hydropower has an important potential for development in all regions - over 163,000 MW of technical potential, excluding the potential from refurbishment and upgrading of existing facilities.

Hydropower contributes to the economy by creating tens of thousands of jobs for the development, maintenance, upkeep, and refurbishment of hydropower installations. It represents a major financial investment. Indeed, over the next ten years, over $50 billion will be invested in hydropower development.

The booklet, Hydropower in Canada: Past Present and Future, reveals the social and economic benefits that hydropower has brought to Canada for over a century, as well as the environmental advantages of hydropower as a source of electricity. With a glance to the future, the beautifully illustrated booklet makes clear that hydropower is essential to Canada's economic prosperity and to the nation's fight against global warming.

The Chair of the CHA Board Colin Clark declared, "The CHA can look back with satisfaction on its accomplishments and on the successes of the hydropower industry in Canada. That said, we must continue to advocate for the responsible development of Canada's untapped hydropower potential and raise awareness of the many benefits of this clean, renewable source of energy."

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