OMERS completes Oncor deal

TORONTO, ONTARIO - The $52 billion Ontario Municipal EmployeesÂ’ Retirement System (OMERS) has confirmed it has taken a stake in Texan electricity company Oncor.

The deal was structured through the pension fundÂ’s investment brand OMERS Worldwide and infrastructure subsidiary Borealis Investment, in association with the Singaporean sovereign wealth fund Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC).

The group has acquired slightly under a fifth of the company (19.75%) for [US]$1.25 billion.

Michael Rolland, president & CEO of Borealis Infrastructure, commented: "Borealis Infrastructure continues to seek and invest in high quality domestic and global infrastructure assets, in furtherance of OMERS long-term goal of investing 42.5% of net investment assets in private markets on a global basis.

"By leveraging the financial resources of the OMERS pension plan, with the active asset management expertise and discipline of the infrastructure team at Borealis, we are able to partner with like-minded investors such as GIC to participate in deals such as this."

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