Aussies warming to nuclear power

AUSTRALIA - More Australians support the idea of the country having nuclear power than oppose it, a new poll has found.

The study found two-thirds of the population either support nuclear power or don't have an opinion.

Of those surveyed, 43 per cent thought it was a good idea.

That was more than those who opposed nuclear power - about a third.

Men were far more enthusiastic about nuclear power than women, while older people and Coalition supporters were also more positive.

There have been calls for Australia to turn to nuclear power as a low-emission source of electricity to tackle climate change.

Proponents say burning coal for power is bad for the environment, and say renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are not reliable enough.

There have been calls for Australia to take back the nuclear waste generated from its uranium exports, but the poll found most people rejected that idea.

The online poll of 1,000 people was conducted by Essential Research.

It also asked about former prime minister John Howard's "close relationship'' with former US president George W. Bush, and found most people thought that the relationship was of no benefit to Australia.

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