Conserve during Earth Hour

LADYSMITH, BRITISH COLUMBIA - BC Hydro is urging Ladysmith residents to show support for the effort against climate change by turning off unnecessary lights and electronics to mark Earth Hour 2009 on March 28 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Last year, Ladysmith residents reduced their electricity consumption during Earth Hour by 4.4 per cent. The overall reduction in the provincial electricity load was about two per cent throughout the entire hour.

Organized by WWF and sponsored locally in part by BC Hydro, Earth Hour is a global public effort to address climate change. Last year, 35 countries participated, and in Canada, almost 10 million individuals took part. Earth Hour emphasizes the importance of understanding that individual participation and simple changes can make a big difference to the planet.

“We have big conservation goals for B.C. and every British Columbian has a role to play in helping us meet them.” said BC Hydro’s president and CEO Bob Elton. “During Earth Hour last year, British Columbians saved 125 megawatts of electricity, the equivalent to turning off 2.5 million lights. This shows that simple, individual actions do make a difference.”

If everyone who participated in Earth Hour last year did the same thing for an hour everyday, the combined savings would be enough to power 4,000 homes for an entire year.

More than 55 local governments throughout the province have signed up to support Earth Hour and key landmarks in different cities will also “go dark.”

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