Ukraine ups electric power output 3.7 in Jan-Sept

Kiev - - The production of electric power in Ukraine's unified energy system increased 3.7 year-on-year to 140.925 billion kWt hours in January-September, the country's Energy and Coal Industry Ministry told Interfax.

Nuclear power plants increased output 1.5 to 65.245 billion kWt hours, Energy Ministry thermal power and thermal electricity stations 10 to 61.008 billion kWt hours, and communal combined heat and power plant s and block stations 4.7 to 5.753 billion kWt hours.

Hydropower plants produced 17.4 less power - 8.735 billion kWt hours. The production of electricity by non-traditional sources increased 25 to 5.5 million kWt hours.

Nuclear plants accounted for 46.4 of the generated electricity 47.4 in Jan-Sept 2010, Ministry thermal energy and combined heat and power plants for 43.3 40.8 hydropower and pumped hydro-storage plants for 6.2 7.8, and combined heat and power plants and block stations for 4.1 4.

In September, there was 4.5 more electricity produced in the country - 14.339 billion kWt hours in all.

Nuclear, thermal energy, and regional boilers increased thermal energy output 0.3 year-on-year to 17.571 gCal in Jan-Sept.

The consumption of electric power in Ukraine, factoring in technological losses in grids, increased 2.6 to 136.847 billion kWt hours in Jan-Sept, without those losses - 3.1 to 111.291 billion kWt hours.

Industry increased power consumption 3.1 to 54.248 billion kWt hours over the nine months not counting technological losses, including machine-building - 9.9 to 4.678 billion kWt hours, chemicals and petrochemicals - 21.7 to 4.658 billion kWt hours, the heat and power complex - 1.4 to 7.056 billion kWt hours. Metallurgy used 0.9 less power - 28.313 billion kWt hours. Private citizens used 2.9 more - 28.121 billion kWt hours.

Factoring in technological losses, September power consumption was up 1.6 year-on-year at 13.746 billion kWt hours - 1.7 more 11.465 billion kWt hours not counting the losses.

There was 187.910 billion kWt hours of electric power produced in Ukraine's unified energy system last year, 8.7 more than in 2009. Consumption was up 8.8 at 183.900 billion kWt hours counting the technological losses and 9.5 at 147.330 billion kWt hours not counting them. Industry increased consumption 11.5 to 71.384 billion kWt hours and the population 9.6 to 37.669 billion kWt hours.

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