ISO Thanks Californians for Conservation
FOLSOM, CALIFORNIA - Electricity conservation by residents and businesses helped lower power demand during a stubborn heat wave that continues to affect Southern California. With ample electric supplies and operating reserve levels back to normal, the California Independent System Operator Corporation (California ISO) has discontinued Flex Alerts.
Local distribution-related power outages in Southern California are prompting local appeals for conservation today. However, the California ISO reports that there is no power shortage expected at the transmission level.
The California ISO wants to applaud consumers for their conservation efforts starting September 29. It estimates that consumers achieved approximately 1,000 megawatts in conservation, which helped to “shave the peak.” August 31 saw a peak demand of 48,615 megawatts, the highest demand for power so far this summer, which was met with sufficient operating reserves.
With cooler temperatures in Northern California, the statewide power grid is in good shape and the California ISO does not anticipate emergency conditions. At no time was there an imminent threat of a Stage Three Electrical Emergency (rotating blackouts) on the high-voltage grid operated by the California ISO. Although no problems are anticipated on the statewide high voltage grid, the California ISO asks media to contact their local utilities for information on any local power issues.
The California ISO is a not-for-profit public benefit corporation charged with managing the flow of electricity along California’s open-market wholesale power grid. The mission of the California ISO is to safeguard the reliable delivery of electricity, and ensure equal access to 25,000 circuit miles of “electron highway.” As the impartial operator of the wholesale power grid in the state, the California ISO conducts a small portion of the bulk power markets.
These markets are used to allocate space on the transmission lines, maintain operating reserves and match supply with demand in real time.
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