Ontario gains momentum on electricity grid investments
- Ontario is building on its momentum to create the most connected, efficient and reliable energy grid in the world.
With support from the province, Ryerson University's Centre for Urban Energy will build an innovative smart grid laboratory. The new laboratory will serve has a hub for researchers and will provide a collaborative facility for testing and demonstrating smart grid ideas and products for Ontario institutions.
Supported by investments such as Ontario's 4.7 million smart meters, the smart grid connects the electricity system with new technologies and sources of information to help increase operating efficiencies and enhance grid security. Smart grid technologies will also provide consumers with conservation tools that will allow for more efficient electricity use and help manage costs.
Building a smarter grid is an important part of the Ontario government's plan to modernize the electricity system in the province and provide clean, reliable and affordable power to consumers.
Quick Facts
- A smarter grid is better able to detect, prevent and restore outages, gives families and businesses more tools to manage their power use, and further reduces greenhouse gas emissions by making it easier to connect renewable energy to the grid.
- Ontario is now accepting project applications for the next round of the Smart Grid Fund program, seeking innovative projects to support the development of its modern, intelligent electricity system.
- The Smart Grid Fund supports Ontario-based projects that test, develop and bring to market the next generation of smart grid solutions. This round of funding will support advanced energy technology projects, such as energy storage and electric vehicle integration.
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