City of Medicine Hat Electric Utility Recognized for Health and Safety Excellence
Mayor Ted Clugston and Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) Chief Operating Officer Francis Bradley gathered at City Hall earlier today to present the City of Medicine Hat Electric Utility with several awards of excellence in health and safety.
The annual CEA Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Awards identify top safety performing member companies and publicly recognize their commitment to safety and their contribution to the declining trend of health and safety-related incidents in the workplace each year.
The City of Medicine Hat Electric Utility was awarded with the President’s Award of Safety Excellence for Employee Safety and two Vice President’s Awards of Safety Excellence.
“The City of Medicine Hat takes pride in producing and delivering safe, reliable and cost effective electrical energy to our customers,” said Mayor Ted Clugston. “These awards are a great staff achievement, and demonstrate the City’s commitment to the health and safety of our employees, contracted workers and workplace visitors. As members of the Canadian Electricity Association, we are pleased to be recognized alongside other major utility providers across Canada.”
For more than 30 years, CEA has tracked and monitored the safety record of its member utilities. The Canadian electric utility industry is one of the safest maintenance, operation and construction related industries in the country due in a large measure to the high level of training; the establishment of safe work methods; and the sharing of industry best practices established through the OHS program.
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