AREVA achieves carbon neutrality in 2007

PARIS, FRANCE - Within the scope of a multi-year program to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, AREVA is delighted to announce that its activities achieved carbon neutrality in 2007.

The group emitted less than one million metric tons of CO2 equivalent in 2007. This was possible through a pro-active emission reduction initiative in addition to the type of processes used in AREVAÂ’s industrial activities that naturally generate very little CO2 (certain industrial groups emit tens of millions of metric tons of CO2 each year).

To make up for its share of unavoidable emissions, AREVA bought "CO2 credits" on the market.

In order to prolong this compensation initiative, AREVA has joined forces with EcoAct, with a view to selecting and supporting environmental projects (renewable energies, energy efficiency) of benefit to the local populations in countries where the group has offices. These include building refrigerated warehouses with no diesel generator sets in Niger, providing the Brazilian ceramics industry with biomass, replacing coal by natural gas in a Chinese thermal plant etc.

In 2008, the group should continue to neutralize its emissions in addition to its current reduction program.

Guy Bousquet, Senior Vice President, Sustainable Development and Continuous Improvement, says: "AREVA is one of the only industrial groups to achieve carbon neutrality. This is not to be underestimated. Not only does our offer contribute to the fight against climate change but so do our industrial activities."

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