40 clean energy jobs come to Satcon Power

BURLINGTON, ONTARIO - Ontario's clean energy economy and the growing global demand from clean energy projects has helped Satcon Power Systems Canada, Ltd. create 40 jobs, growing their Burlington workforce by a third in less than a year.

Satcon has expanded their workforce to 158 people to help meet the demand for solar equipment in Ontario, across North America and in countries like China, France, Germany, Italy, Greece and the Czech Republic.

Satcon is one of more than 20 companies that have announced they are setting up or expanding plants to manufacture parts for the solar and wind industry, creating new jobs in Ontario.

Ontario's Energy Plan is aimed at getting Ontario off dirty, smog-producing coal and on to cleaner energy sources like wind, solar and bio-energy. The Plan also includes relief for families, through the new Ontario Clean Energy Benefit that is taking 10 per cent off electricity bills every month.

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