DTE Energy helps Kresge Foundation go green

DETROIT, MICHIGAN - The Kresge Foundation, a private foundation dedicated to building stronger nonprofit organizations, is "greening up" the power to its Troy headquarters with 100 percent renewable energy provided under DTE Energy's GreenCurrents program.

GreenCurrents is a voluntary renewable energy program that provides DTE Energy's 2.2 million electric customers the option of choosing environmentally-friendly energy for their homes and businesses.

"We are pleased to participate in DTE Energy's GreenCurrents Program," said Rip Rapson, president of the Kresge Foundation. "One of our foundation's core values is environmental conservation. GreenCurrents provides us another opportunity to tangibly demonstrate our commitment to clean, renewable energy."

In 2006, the Kresge Foundation completed a project to build an energy efficient, environmentally-sustainable headquarters on its current three-acre site in Troy. The project included the renovation of a historic 19th century farmhouse and barn, which had served as offices for years, and the construction of a contemporary, 19,500-square-foot office building.

The project recently was awarded Platinum certification by the United States Green Building Council - the highest attainable level in the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System.

"GreenCurrents is a good match for the Kresge Foundation in so many ways," Rapson said. "With the sustainable design of our headquarters - and our use of renewable energy through the GreenCurrents program - we are reducing the foundation's carbon footprint, and truly practice the principles we advocate."

GreenCurrents was introduced by DTE Energy last year, and more than 11,000 customers have signed up for the service since its inception - making it one of the fastest growing voluntary renewable energy programs in the country.

"We are absolutely thrilled that the Kresge Foundation has joined the growing ranks of GreenCurrents customers," said Trevor Lauer, vice president of marketing for DTE Energy. "As more and more of our customers embrace renewable energy, demand will grow and exciting new renewable energy alternatives will be developed in the future."

Under the GreenCurrents program, DTE Energy's residential electric customers can purchase a block of renewable energy for as little as $2.50 extra a month. Customers also can choose to match 100 percent of their home's electricity consumption with renewable resources by paying an extra $10 to $15 per month for a typical household.

Business customers can purchase 1,000 kilowatt hours of green energy for an extra $20 a month - or match all of their electricity usage with renewable energy for an additional cost of two cents per kilowatt hour.

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